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Below are some videos I've run across that I've found to be a blessing. Be sure to double-click so you can view the larger screen...

My grandparents were married for 77 years. And one of the greatest gifts my father gave to me before he died was his love and faithfulness to my mom for over 60 yrs. Here's a moving song about staying by one of my favorite artists...

Amazing to read (and hear!) the teachings of A.W. Tozer from 60 years ago, and to realize how spot-on they are today. The Root of the Righteous was such a powerful and prophetic little book. The Pursuit of God is is considered a classic. I strongly encourage you to read some of his writings, to grow deeper in your walk with the Father. If you've got some time, here are some of his messages to listen to that I hope bless you...


Another reason to root for the Iggles...


Upcoming Events:



Sunday, October 4th, 2020 @10:30am


We're taking our worship OUTSIDE! We'll be sharing the hope of the gospel in song and proclamation of God's Word from the gazebo on the grounds of Miller Park in Exton, PA, on Sunday morning, October 4th @ 10:30am.

The open-air grounds of Miller Park allow for spacing and freedom, masks or no masks, so you can bring your own blanket and chairs and adjust however you like to make yourself comfortable.

Love to see you there!!


 If the weather is inclement, we will hold services at the church.


For directions, go to:



220 Miller Way

Exton, PA 19341
