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Below are some videos I've run across that I've found to be a blessing. Be sure to double-click so you can view the larger screen...

My grandparents were married for 77 years. And one of the greatest gifts my father gave to me before he died was his love and faithfulness to my mom for over 60 yrs. Here's a moving song about staying by one of my favorite artists...

Amazing to read (and hear!) the teachings of A.W. Tozer from 60 years ago, and to realize how spot-on they are today. The Root of the Righteous was such a powerful and prophetic little book. The Pursuit of God is is considered a classic. I strongly encourage you to read some of his writings, to grow deeper in your walk with the Father. If you've got some time, here are some of his messages to listen to that I hope bless you...


Another reason to root for the Iggles...


Christopher Wright    &                     Blessed Hurricane Ministries


Christopher Wright has been serving as an interim worship leader and pastor for a number of churches here in the (northeast) area. He also ministers beyond those walls through Blessed Hurricane Ministries to both the lost and to the larger body of Christ.

Blessed Hurricane Ministries exists to magnify Christ by sharing the hope of the Gospel through Spirit-led worship, special music and personal testimony. The name comes from a Charles Spurgeon quote that sums up Christopher's testimony and ministry:

 "In seasons of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that He can trust to and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone. When his vessel's on its beam-end and no human deliverance can avail, he must simply and entirely trust himself to the providence and care of God. Happy storm that wrecks a man on such a Rock as this! O blessed hurricane that drives a soul to God and God alone!"

Amanda, Christopher and Jeannie's second child, was their "blessed hurricane." Amanda's twin sister died in-utero, and Amanda was born at the 29th week with multiple disabilities. Being blind, tube-fed, and unable to walk or talk, Amanda radically changed Christopher's view of the world and what's most important. Her brief time on earth (she died at the age of 15), taught him to trust God and to long for his heavenly home. Over the years, his songs and testimony continue to help many who are in despair to lift their eyes, worship and find comfort in the God of all comfort. (2 Cor 1:3-4)


Christopher plays solo, with acoustic combo or with a full band. His music appeals to all generations and can be appropriately adapted to any given event. Though his primary venues are leading worship for conferences, retreats, church services and concerts (worship & special music), he can also be found sharing at coffeehouses and house concerts in between those events. Whatever the venue, his music and message always point to the cross.

Having served in music & concert ministry for 20 years, and as a worship pastor for more than 10 years, Christopher understands worship team dynamics and the unique struggles that worship leaders face. He is available for one-on-one consulting (via skype or in person), to assist pastors and worship leaders whose worship ministries are struggling. Common helpful topics are:

1) Transitioning between traditional and contemporary styles of corporate praise.

2) Creating flow in a worship service

3) Losing the band/performance mentality

4) Keeping creativity without it becoming an idol

5) What it means to worship in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:23-24)

6) Ways to improve community

7) The importance of grace, the glue that holds it all together (ministry & church-wide)

Q & A workshops could be incorporated with an evening concert (solo, combo or with his band). He's also willing to lead solo or serve with your team on a Sunday morning. Guitar lessons via skpe (or local) are also currently being considered. There are all kinds of different options so it's likely we can find something that can work within your budget. Please do contact us and let us know if we can be a blessing!